The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) recently launched a new computer service system. The PACE system (Participant, Platform, and Process) is an innovative system that is meant to make it easy for service providers and participants to access NDIS programs. The launch of the new PACE system will work as a replacement for the MyPlace portal, which will help streamline NDIS processes and streamline its operations. We have compiled all the best and juicy information that you need to know about the all-new PACE system.
About Participant/Provider Alternative Cloud Environment
PACE is an acronym that is the short form of Participant/Provider Alternative Cloud Environment. This is a new computer system from the NDIA that will act as a replacement for the current NDIA system known as SAP CRM. The main reason why NDIA is launching PACE is basically for the purpose of system upgrades to increase efficiency.
What does PACE do?
PACE is a new computer system from the NDIA which is simply an upgrade from the old portal. This is like when you change your old mobile phone and buy a new smartphone. The aim of upgrading the platform is to ensure that all users can get a smoother and enjoyable experience when dealing with the NDIS – especially for participants and service providers. The new system will provide them with the best possible support. It will also help carers and families of participants to have an easy connection with the NDIS.
When is the start date of the new PACE system?
The NDIA plans to launch PACE by the end of October. Once launched, the programme will be completed in 18 months.
What should participants do during the launch period?
While the programme is being launched, participants are not expected to do anything. The plan is for all existing participants on the old portal to be migrated to the new PACE system. However, those who have a current plan but have booked for their plans to be reassessed and don’t want to change their current plans will not be migrated onto the new PACE system. This will be the case until they are scheduled for their next reassessment or if they need to change their plans before the migration process. Starting from October 31st, all new participants will be set up to start using the new PACE system. For any details, the NDIS will contact participants.
What will not be changed?
While there is expected to be a massive change with the new PACE system, there are some features that will remain the same. These are:
- There will not be any change to your supports, but they may be called a new name.
- The basic structure of all NDIS plans remains the same.
- The Item Support Numbers.
- The process of registration for providers.
- The NDIS Act
- The obligations of the NDIS Commission which includes the Practice Standards.
What are some of the main changes in the PACE system?
The PACE system has some major changes that include a few updates that apply to categories and support types. In addition, there is a major change to the way that the NDIA communicate with all participants throughout the validity period of their plans. It is important to note that these changes become applicable to all those who have been moved to the new PACE system, which happens after the next reassessment plan. When it comes to the changes to the NDIS support categories and support type, there are three main charges.
The first change
For participants in the PACE system, the NDIA is looking to launch a new type of support apart from Core, Capacity, and Capital. This new support will be known as Recurring Transport. It will be classified in the self-managed category that is designed specifically to process normal transport payments.
The second change
In addition, there will also be five new categories:
There are now two new categories that are added to the Core supports. They are:
Home and living
YPIRAC which short for “Young people in residential aged care,” but this is classified under an NDIA-managed category.
Capital support comes with two more categories:
- Assistive technology, replacement, repair, and maintenance.
- Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)
The Capacity Building comes with one more category:
- Behaviour supports.
The third change
The NDIA is planning some updates to five current category names that are all under the Capacity Building. These are:
- The Support coordination which will now be referred to as Support coordination and psychosocial recovery coach
- Improved relationships will now be referred to as Relationships
- Improved health and well-being will now be referred to as Health and well-being
- Improved learning will now be referred to as Lifelong learning
- Improved life choices will now be referred to as Choice and control.
How this new PACE system will benefit participants
- Better control: With the new PACE system, participants will have better control over the usage of their funds. The new system also gives them more control to easily change services or providers.
- Enhanced plan management: The new PACE system comes with clearer budget allocations and new categories which means that participants can now effectively manage their plans.
- Providers access quicker payments: If you are an endorsed provider on the platform, you can receive your payments in 1 or 2 days. This makes it easy for participants to continue receiving services and care from the same providers.
The introduction of the new PACE system is set to revolutionize the way participants and service providers engage with the NDIS, offering improved accessibility, better control over budgets, and quicker payment processes. With changes to support categories and new classifications, the PACE system will enable participants to manage their plans more effectively. For those in need of assistance with NDIS plan management in Perth, Compass Care Group is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition to the new system. Our team is committed to helping participants navigate these changes while providing personalized support in a welcoming and inclusive environment that empowers individuals to live life to the fullest.