When to consider upgrading or changing your Specialised Disability Accommodation

People who have serious disabilities usually apply for Specialised Disability Accommodations (SDAs) to live in an environment where they are able to function to full capacity. This is a special type of housing that is needed to enhance the lifestyle of the people in the house. These people tend to have a lot of support needs. The SDAs are provided under a special arrangement from the government of Australia. It has also made funding available to enable many people to access the houses. These people usually live in the houses when approved for it. They cannot all live in the SDA for ever. This is why they have to know when to change SDA housing. At this point, it becomes very necessary for you to upgrade or change your specialized accommodation. 

When is the best time to change your SDA housing?

Upgrading disability accommodation is a must for disabled people whose support needs change with time. For such people, it can be difficult for them to understand the best time to make such changes. Some of the following are the best indicators to help them decide when to make the move.

1. When you health or disability needs change

As your health condition or disability change with time, your accommodation may no longer meet your needs. For example, if you have limited mobility, and your physical abilities continue to decline, at this point, transitioning to better SDA services, become essential as you may need more accessible features in your home. These features include widened doorways, ramps, or modified bathrooms. Also, in this case, if you have very severe disability problems, you may have to get more advanced devices and equipment that will work to enhance your comfort and safety. There are some cases where you may not know that it is time to move to another house. Your SDA should change if your condition falls into any one of the following:

  • Your inability to move has become worse that you may need new equipment to help you move. 
  • Your care needs may have change which means that the house needs to be fitted with new components.
  • If the house that you stay in presently lack the right range of elements to support you to perform your daily activities. 

If any of the above conditions happen to you, then it means that you may want to apply and get approved for NDIS housing modifications. This is done simply by trying to install new components in your present house. Or if this is not possible, you can consider moving to a new house that comes with all the features that will support your physical condition.

2. You do not have or you have outdated assistive technology

When it comes to improving SDA living spaces, one essential component for independent living is the use of assistive technology. This means that if your present SDA does not have any assistive technology or it is fitted with outdated devices, you may want to get a new house or consider upgrading the older technology. In recent times, devices used in assistive technology (AT) has seen tremendous growth in recent years. This is means that there are now so many devices in the market that can help people with support needs lead more fulfilled lives. In this case, you want to choose the right modern device that works for you and install this in your house. It is important that you use these devices the way they should so as to enhance your comfort and ability to function alone. When considering of upgrading your technology, you may want to consider the following:

  • Go for smart devices in the home such as security systems that go off whenever there is an emergency or lights that come on whenever you enter a certain room.
  • Doors or windows that open on their own whenever you want them to do this.
  • You can install special devices that allow your support workers or health experts to monitor your condition from a remote location.
  • You can choose to get home appliances that are powered by smart technology such as cleaners or TVs.

If you want to change the current features of your house, you must consider which new technology will help enhance your way of life. It is important to choose devices that will help you work alone without the need to rely on other people. If your current house does not have such a device, then you might want to look for a change by installing the new device or moving to a new house that supports such a technology. As a disabled person, you deserve the suitable technologies to live your best life. 

3. There are some changes in personal or family circumstances

Another reason to think about upgrading or changing your SDA is when your personal or family circumstances have changed. If you are living alone but have recently decided to move in with a family member or your support worker, then it stands to reason that your current accommodation may no longer provide adequate space or privacy. In this case, you may want to consider the following:

  • If you are moving in with one more person, then you will need to increase the space allowances in the house.
  • If you family situation have changed such as the addition of a baby, then you may need special spaces to cater for this new addition.
  • If you love to connect with people in a social setting, then you may want to opt for a house that house common spaces such as gardens or game houses to help nascence your lifestyle.

Sometimes, your personal circumstances could also mean that you are forced to make several life-stage changes. It could be that your house was meant to be for younger people with severe physical problems. In this case, you may have outgrown your current living condition. This may be time to move to an other house that supports people of your age. In this case, you should be thinking moving over to an SDA that comes with more specialised services.

4. If you are concerned for your safety

You should always prioritise your safety at all times with an SDA. But then again, with time, you may find out that you need to upgrade your safety systems. This means that you will need to install new safety systems that meet your needs. Or you may want to consider moving to another house to ensure that you are safe. If this is the case, you may consider the following:

  • Check the fire safety devices in your house to know that they arr working as they should.
  • Check the structural nature of your house to see if it meets your current needs.
  • Check if your emergency systems are suitable and will function as they should whenever there is a need for help.
  • How accessible are you to emergency services? Does your SDA provide easy access for emergency responders to locate you. You may also consider whether the facility is located within reasonable distance to hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare services?

Use the above checklist as a guide to know whether your SDA still meets your needs. If not, this may be the time to think about modifying your house. If this is not an optpion, then it may be ideal to move to a new house that come with all the support features that you need. 

5. The need to be independent and do things your way

If you are disabled, it means that you may not be able to function without the help of another person. However, with an upgraded SDA, this could be a reality for people living with disability. Being independent is a key aspect of quality of life, and SDAs should always be designed in such a way that they maximize the ability of the resident to be independent. As technology and design principles advance, more SDA are starting to come with features that enhance independent living among people with disabilities:

The following are signs that you need an upgrade in order to promote independence include:

  • You can control things: If you check in your house and it comes with lights or heating devices that you cannot use easily, then you may want to think about moving to another house. 
  •  Have barriers that make your mobility difficult: If your SDA do not support your mobility, then it may be time to move to a better facility. Even little inconveniences such as small door frames or slippery floors can stop you from moving freely around the property.
  • The need for privacy: It could be that you lack the ability to maintain your privacy in your current house. If this is the case, then you should think about moving to a new house that has enough space to allow you to enjoy your privacy. It is important that you consider this because it can affect the mental health in the long run.

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